Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Let's EAT!

Welcome to EATclub, a Philadelphia gathering of local foodies, drunkards and all around awesome people who are interested in exploring all things food and drink.

This blog will be used as a planning and recipe sharing tool and anyone in EATclub is welcome to post.

EATclub will meet the first Saturday or Sunday of every month at a different club member's home. The club's dinner theme will be chosen by the host and will be communicated via this site. Club members will be able to sign up for dishes (main, side, dessert, wine, etc) by adding a comment to each of the monthly dinner posts.

After each meal, we will post recipes on this site for all to enjoy!
Our first dinner will be on Saturday, April 4th at Dan and Alethia's house in Mt. Airy. This month's theme is "All Things Spring"...let's welcome in the warmth and give winter the big F-U!


  1. Dan and Alethia will be making a "Main Course" Spring Vegetable Risotto. Can't wait!

  2. I'm sorry I won't be able to come to the kickoff. I'll be in Paris (i know, feel bad for me). Have a great time and see you in May!

  3. Hmmmmm what to make?! Maybe rhubarb will be in season by then....pie anyone? Ab, we'll miss you! Can't wait Alethia and Dan!!!

  4. Spring rolls...Poland Spring... Spring chicken...

    It's o-an!

  5. Spring dishes? This is hard. I'll bring a yummy starter...but I don't know what. Let me get back to you.

  6. Grilled Tandoori Chicken

  7. i will be arranging an impending trip to philly to coincide with a meeting of this faboosh club. i won't even get started on complaining about how this should have been around when i was around, i'll save that for in person. xoxo

  8. Dan will be making Roast Chicken with Spring Vegetables... I will make Cheesecake... 'cause it is always the season for cheesecake.
