Sunday, March 22, 2009

Schuylkill Punch

Many of us (myself included) take access to quality drinking water for granted. With a flick of the faucet, we are able to quench our thirst, wash our dishes and cook our food. For many in developing nations this luxury simply does not exist.

March 22nd - 28th, local Philadelphia bars and restaurants are joining forces with Unicef in the Tap Project, designed to help raise awareness and funds to support clean water projects. Every dollar donated will provide 40 days of clean water to a child in need.

So check out the Tap Project's webiste, pick a bar near you, drink up and be thankful for once that your water comes from the Schuylkill!

1 comment:

  1. The flouride in Schylkill punch is what kept me cavity-free for my entire childhood; I know this because I wasn't much of a fan of the ol' toothbrush. Ewwwww.
