Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Feast for the Eyes

So, I've finally gotten my act together and am ready to post the photos from last months Spring Feast! Much thanks to the lovely Ray-Ray Myers for her photo uploading skills! Only fitting that her amazing looking and tasting fruit tart will be the first photo to devour. And why not start with dessert? It was definitely the most visited table.

Our inaugural meal began as all good meals should, with a lot of wine (about 15 bottles when it was all said and done). We definitely had our fair share of appetizers too...thanks to Fintan's genius we were are able to enjoy a collection of small but mighty spring-pigs-in-blankets. There is no finer way to begin a feast!

For the main meal we enjoyed a hit parade of amazing spring dishes, that were not only a feast for the eyes, but complimented each other incredibly well.

Grace and Alex's Forged Salad
with Fresh Beets

Lara's Myer Lemon Green Beans

Alethia's Fennel Salad with
Aged Manchego

Sayeh and Sam's Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus
With Truffle Oil

Eli's Tandoori Chicken

Moira's Fresh Chive Butter

Dan B's Roast Spring Chicken with Vegetables

Alethia's Spring Vegetable Risotto

And as if we did have enough to eat, this happened...

Moira's Key Lime Pie

Lara's Flourless Chocolate Cake

Moira's Coconut Macaroons

Fintan's Fruit Salad

Thanks to all who contributed to this fabulous meal. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday for a Spanish feast!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Comida Espanol (Spanish Meal, fools!)

Hey fellow clubbers. We would like to get the ball rolling for the next EATclub meal on May 2 to be held at Kim and Mark's comfy abode (340 N 12th Street, Ste 512, Philly). We will be cooking up a Spanish themed meal. We'll make the paella and sangria; you bring the tapas and cava, and we will no doubt have a tiempo estupendo (I think that translates to rad time...). Email Molly ( or Kim ( and let us know if you can make it and what you're bringing by April 29 so that we can plan accordingly. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's the jump off!!

Well kids, get excited 'cause EATclub is T-48 hours away from deliciousness!  Sure, it coincides with the final four, but we have a TV, and yes, it will be on - so no worries!

Thus far we have about 14 peeps making the trek to Mt. Airy to share in the foodie fun and drinking.  If you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do so otherwise you'll be stuck eating without a utensil.

Also, please be sure to either email or bring a copy of the recipe you use so we can post it on blog and make everyone who couldn't attend jealous!