Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Comida Espanol (Spanish Meal, fools!)

Hey fellow clubbers. We would like to get the ball rolling for the next EATclub meal on May 2 to be held at Kim and Mark's comfy abode (340 N 12th Street, Ste 512, Philly). We will be cooking up a Spanish themed meal. We'll make the paella and sangria; you bring the tapas and cava, and we will no doubt have a tiempo estupendo (I think that translates to rad time...). Email Molly ( or Kim ( and let us know if you can make it and what you're bringing by April 29 so that we can plan accordingly. Hope to see you there!


  1. Ok. I'm thinking empanadas or stuffed tomatoes . . . not sure yet . . . Krissy

  2. I'm going to make a chickpea-chorizo dish, and will bring the cava!

  3. My family ruins everything! Mom's in town so Andrea and I are going to have to miss this one too. I WILL EATclub someday!

  4. I will bring wine and make a dessert empanada. Can't wait to stuff my face and pour wine down my throat!! That sounds barbaric, doesn't it, oh well.

  5. actually Rach, that sounds about right!
