Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Feast for the Eyes

So, I've finally gotten my act together and am ready to post the photos from last months Spring Feast! Much thanks to the lovely Ray-Ray Myers for her photo uploading skills! Only fitting that her amazing looking and tasting fruit tart will be the first photo to devour. And why not start with dessert? It was definitely the most visited table.

Our inaugural meal began as all good meals should, with a lot of wine (about 15 bottles when it was all said and done). We definitely had our fair share of appetizers too...thanks to Fintan's genius we were are able to enjoy a collection of small but mighty spring-pigs-in-blankets. There is no finer way to begin a feast!

For the main meal we enjoyed a hit parade of amazing spring dishes, that were not only a feast for the eyes, but complimented each other incredibly well.

Grace and Alex's Forged Salad
with Fresh Beets

Lara's Myer Lemon Green Beans

Alethia's Fennel Salad with
Aged Manchego

Sayeh and Sam's Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus
With Truffle Oil

Eli's Tandoori Chicken

Moira's Fresh Chive Butter

Dan B's Roast Spring Chicken with Vegetables

Alethia's Spring Vegetable Risotto

And as if we did have enough to eat, this happened...

Moira's Key Lime Pie

Lara's Flourless Chocolate Cake

Moira's Coconut Macaroons

Fintan's Fruit Salad

Thanks to all who contributed to this fabulous meal. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday for a Spanish feast!


  1. Nice work, A. Thanks for the photos, Ray Ray. The food looks amazing, and was.

    I don't think that Grace and Alex's salad was forged (like a check), though.

    I can't wait to pig out on Spanish food tonight. Hopefully I won't get the swine flu.... But if I do, it will be worth it.

  2. Damn good Spanish food this weekend. I can't wait for next month.

  3. Of allll months, why did I have to miss out on Spanish month. Although it was Persian weekend at home, so I guess I didn't fare too terribly.

    The pics look great! I could go for some of any of that right now. Chive butter anyone? Yum.

  4. FU Dan! I can write "forged" like they faked it if I want to!

    i want to be covered in truffle oil and then rolled up in a piece of prosciutto.

  5. BBQ anyone? Alethia, don't forget to post something about this weekend, and send out an e-mail.

  6. More pictures, dammit!
