Thursday, July 16, 2009

Long Time, No Post...

Wow, so apologies to my reader for the recent lurch in blog activity! EATclub has been plugging along quite well over these past few months and there is much to report.

In May we held a Spanish theamed feast at Mark and Kim's loft, which was a grand meal. The June dinner was a grilling extravaganza that definitely did not disappoint! In order catch up with the back log of food photos and recipes I'll be posting regularly over the next few weeks with the hopes of catching up by the end of July.

And just to wet your blogging palates a bit, I thought I'd start with a few cocktails, including Kim's delicious white sangria from the Spanish feast and a vodka/lemon/rosemary drink that won much acclaim at the Flanders/Church going-away party. Enjoy!

Kim's Saucy Sangria
1 bottle dry white wine
1 cup peach liquer
2 cups seltzer water
sliced strawberries
sliced kiwi
any other fruit of choice!
a few cups ice cubes

Mix all, excluding ice cubes, smashing fruit slightly. Chill up to 4 hours. Serve over ice. Drink your face off.

Vodka Rosemary Lemonade Fizz


* 1 cup fresh lemon juice
* 1 cup sugar
* 2 (8-inch) rosemary sprigs
* 1/2 cup vodka
* Chilled club soda or seltzer
* Garnish: 8 (3-inch) rosemary sprigs


Bring lemon juice, sugar, and rosemary to a boil in a small saucepan, stirring until sugar has dissolved, then reduce heat and simmer 2 minutes. Cool completely, about 1 hour. Discard rosemary sprigs.

Fill 8 (8-ounces) glasses halfway with ice. Divide syrup (about 2 tablespoons each) among glasses and add vodka (1 tablespoon each). Top off with club soda.

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